Thoughts and Facts
Thoughts and Facts
I have really enjoyed this term. Our class is studying the 1900s. Our artist for this term was John Singer Sargent; he was an American painter who lived from 1856 to 1925. We studied five of his pieces and learned about his life. Our composers for this term were Heitor Villa-Lobos and Bela Bartok. Villa-Lobos was a Brazilian guitar composer and Bartok was an orchestra composer. I liked both of their songs.
In geography we read a book called Bruchko. It was about a man named Bruce Olson who went as a missionary to a Colombian tribe called the Motilones. It was a very good book and I had fun reading it.
In history we read about Franklin D. Roosevelt, William McKinly, and Woodrow Wilson. We also studied both World Wars and some of the new inventions and medicines that were being made in the 1900s.
My favorite class was the watercolor class I took with Miss Jenn on Monday mornings. She taught us techniques on how to paint with watercolors, how to mix watercolors, and how to make a realistic picture with shadows and light. She is great at teaching us how to improve our paintings but always lets us make adjustments by ourselves.
I also really liked Miss Joyce's art class. In it we did lots of different kinds of art projects including wood burning, patterns, and paper art. In her class each student could use their own style, and it was cool to see how each piece turned out different.This term has been really fun and I have learned a lot. I am looking forward to term 2.