… all the curiosity they will ever need. It will last a lifetime if they are fed upon a daily dose of ideas. (Charlotte Mason)



We are currently enrolling students from 4 years old to 12th grade.

The Paloma School meets Monday - Friday from 9am - 3:00pm.


Kindergarten: (2 Options)
Half Day (Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00)

*$432.60/month over 10 months
*Total Annual: $4,326.00
Full Day
*$504.70/month over 10 months
*Total Annual: $5,047.00

1st - 6th Grade:

*$504.70/month over 10 months
*Total Annual: $5,047.00

7th - 12th Grade:
*$669.50/month over 10 months
*Total Annual: $6,695.00

Preschool Class: (2 Options)
Full week Half Day

Monday through Friday, 9:00-12:00
*$360.50/month over 10 months
*Total Annual: $3,605.00

3 Half Days per week
*$309/month over 10 months
*Total Annual: $3,090.00

* Tuition and registration are subject to change

Sibling discounts and Financial Aid are available.

Parents are also required to complete 10 service hours for the school each year. These hours can be done all at one time, or throughout the year. There are several volunteer options available for service hours. Hours can be shared between parents, grandparents, or other significant people in a child's life.

The Paloma School admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It doesn't discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.




If you have additional questions about Paloma, please feel free to contact us as we would love to assist you.

 Sheena Stoner

Carolina Walizer
Office Administrator


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